Politics and Elections
Mayors, Elections and Advisory Boards
Lord Mayor
André Knapp
born: 30.08.1973 in Schmalkalden
Family: Father of three children
Occupation before election as mayor: Head of the real estate department of the Rhön-Rennsteig-Sparkasse
Political career
since 2009: Member of the CDU Germany
2009 - 2014: Expert citizen in the Finance, Procurement and Audit Committee
2010 - 2012: Member of the district board of the CDU Suhl
2012 - 2015: Deputy District Chairman of the CDU Suhl
2014 - 2018: City council member and parliamentary group leader
2018: Election as mayor of the city of Suhl


Jan Turczynski
Mayor and Full-time Alderman

Sylvia Luck
Honorary Aldermen

Frank Keiner
Honorary Aldermen
District Mayors

Birgit Endter
District Mayor

Matthias Gering
District Mayor

Heinz Rogowski
District Mayor

Marcus Kalkhake
District Mayor

Sylvia Hamatschek
District Mayor

Norman Kummer
District Mayor

Steffen Ludwig
District Mayor

District Mayor

Ralf Krieg
District Mayor
City Council Elections and Seat Distribution
There are 36 councillors on Suhl City Council. The distribution of seats after the 2024 local elections is as follows CDU - 13 seats, AfD - 9 seats, Freie Wähler Suhl - 4 seats, Die Linke - 4 seats, SPD - 2 seats, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - 1 seat and FDP - 1 seat.
The City of Suhl uses the Council Information System (RIS/CIS) for the work of the City Council and its committees. Here you will find information on meetings, committees, parliamentary groups and individuals.
You can also find the relevant meeting documents, minutes and resolutions using the search functions or individual meetings.